Our History
St Andrew's Hospital was established in 1935 as a hospital of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. Built in East Melbourne, it soon obtained a reputation as one of the finest general surgical and maternity hospitals in Victoria.
With the inauguration of the Uniting Church in 1977, the Presbyterian and Uniting Churches accepted a recommendation from the Commission appointed to divide the property between the Presbyterian and Uniting Churches. St Andrew's was incorporated under a separate Act of Parliament as “St Andrew's – a hospital of the Presbyterian and Uniting Churches."
During the 1980s, in the course of a major development programme, the hospital suffered financial difficulties because of delays and cost overruns in the construction. The Victorian Government, which had guaranteed the loans for the new buildings, was forced to appoint a Receiver/Manager to the hospital and after considering the various alternatives, the Receiver ‘sold’ the hospital to the Peter MacCallum Hospital for the amount of the Government’s guarantee.
The Receiver, however, did not have the right to St Andrew’s endowment funds. These were made up of perpetual gifts made in the Wills of the hospital’s supporters – many of whom were members of either the Presbyterian or Uniting Churches.
These endowment funds were only available for use by the hospital which by then was no longer in existence. In 1997, after lengthy negotiations with the Government, the 1978 Act was amended to confirm the St Andrew's Foundation as the successor to the former St Andrew's Hospital. At the time the Foundation was established, the available funds were approximately $800,000. They now stand at almost $6,000,000, as a result of additional bequests and a prudent investment policy.
The Foundation is run by seven trustees: an independent chairperson, and three representatives from each of the two Churches. The trustees are proud to continue the caring and compassionate legacy of St Andrew's.
Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible, and the additional income from your donation will enable us to increase our annual grants. Bequests can also be made in your Will. If you would like to make a donation or a bequest in your will, please contact our administrator via the contact page.

Access to patient records
The Foundation does not have access to patient records. We understand that on 31 January 1991, allrecords were sent to MSS Records Management Services, 22 Summit Road, Noble Park VIC 3174.
The records for all adult patients discharged since 1 January 1983 were to be stored for seven years and destroyed in January 1998. Minors' medical records since 1 January 1977 were to be stored for 7 years after the patient’s 18th birthday and then destroyed. Medical records prior to 1977 have now been destroyed.
© Copyright St Andrew's Foundation